
To do and to enjoy

There are numerous festivals and fairs in Laciana all year round. The most important ones are: 

La Feriona: It takes place on 12th October. Traditionally, it was a cattle fair that attracted people from every Valley, region or province nearby. Currently, it is a market of textile products and food, but it is still a very popular party. The typical food for this day is octopus. On 12th November, there is a second edition of this fair, but it is smaller, that is why it is called La Ferina

Mercau Tsacianiegu: It is held on the first weekend of August. It is a traditional market that imitates the life in the Valley as it was last century. People do artisan jobs, and there are exhibitions about traditions.It also takes place a traditional wedding, wearing the regional clothing and singing the ancient wedding songs. 

Pilgrimage to Carrasconte: Carrasconte is a small village 14 km away from Villablino, the main city of the Valley. In this village, there is a chapel in honour of the Virgin. Every 15th August, people from Laciana go there walking, where they celebrate a small party. 

Vaqueirada: This event is a part of the festivals in honour of San Bartolo in Caboalles de Abajo. It takes place on the nearest Sunday to 24th August. It used to be a festival in honour of the shepherds, today it is a parade of floats. 

Transhumance festivity: It is held in Orallo during the month of June. It is a party in honour of the shepherds who used to drive their cattle through Laciana Valley. 

Easter: On Holy Thursday, there is in Villablino a theatre show acted by Carta Puebla association, which represents the Passion of Christ in the village streets. On Good Friday, there is a procession through the streets of Caboalles de Arriba. Cristo de los Mineros' procession is very significant because the miners themselves carry the image. 

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